Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Week 5 EOC: differences and similarites of B2B and B2C marketing

Consumer marketing, or business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing, sales are made to individuals who are the final decision makers, though they may be influenced by family members or friends. A business marketing, or business-to-business (B2B) marketing, sale is made to a business or firm. (
B2B versus Consumer Marketing) I want to start with the similarities of B2B and B2C marketing. Each type of marketing has gernerally the same goals. They attempt to successfully match product or service with the needs of their target market. They set pricing for products and services to create a gain over competetors while keeping with the market expectation. Companies also attempt to communicate effectively with their costumers as to maintain loyalty and value. business-to-business marketers keep a customer’s sales and create customer value by meeting current needs and by partnering with customers to help them solve their problems. (Marketing: An Introduction) Some of the difference between both off these different types of marketing are; The volume. Volume of sales to an individual client whether it be consumer or company differ greatly. A sale to a company could generate from the thousands to the millions of dollars in revenue, where as the sale to a single consumer would be generally under $100 dollars. Another major difference is the customer service and field reps that are put out by B2B marketing. I've never seen a company rep show up at my house to see if everything was going good and if there was anything i needed to make my product better or update to the "new model." consumers do gain new information about products but not face to face, it is definitely less personable.

Week 4 EOC: new phone app

Every time i watch a video that someone recorded on their phone, especially one from a concert, I cringe because the audio is terrible. Of course its terrible because i was recorded on a tiny little microphone that has never been updated.  When was the last time you saw new microphone technology go into your droid or iPhone, huh? You never hear it because they don't do it. All the talk is about the new camera and what it can do. Ok, so there was my rant and now for my app to solve this problem.  You cant fix the microphone that was installed by the manufacturer but we can change audio as it records. This new app will do two main "fixes." the first will be to atennuate the high levels down by -15dB this takes away the ear punching concert sound that sounds so cracked when recorded on a tiny mic. The second step is to get the mix sound that you are actually hearing while recording video and getting the same results when played back. This is done via an algorithm written into the app that will adjust for the bias of the microphones pick-up across the spectral range. Basically it will notch out frequencies and boost the lower mids to bring back what you thought was lost recording into such a tiny mic. I looked through the internet for an app like this already out there, and there is none. The closest thing i saw was an in-ear company that will pad loud noises down to a normal level but leave in the quality of the sound being heard without the plugs.