Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

I am technically a millennial, but with such a wide age range for millennials, there are not too many similarities with the younger millennials except for our ability to work with the growing technology and be very user integrated into the abilities of software.  Everything else, I feel is just not me at all. I'm almost 30 and have been thrown in with kids still in their teens. I believe that I align mostly with the Gen Xers. What i have started to see through research is that millennials are being split up into two groups. Now they have older millennials and younger millennials, also a side by side shows older millennials almost identical with gen X. I guess they don't want to give up the label.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 3 EOC: Making money for good

In 2012, Google, a for profit company, made $10.8 Billion in pretax revenue. Google gave almost 10% of that to charitable donations. More specifically Google donated "$144,606,000 (cash) / $1,000,000,000 (products) share of 2011 pre-tax profits donated in 2012: 9.3%." - (Forbes.com) Donating as a company can have very potential upswings to more revenue. Donating to worthy causes can benefit the givers as much as the receivers. When it’s done strategically, charitable giving is good for business — and we’re not just talking about potential tax deductions.(Quickbooks.com) Is it doing good for you, them, or both? either way its still helping those in need.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Week 2 EOC: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

With market shares for gaming console being extremely competitive, the "console wars" was only limited to two separate consoles. These consoles were Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's Playstation 4. However, these wars were competing for the majority of only 50% of the entire market. The majority share holder in the market is Nintendo. Most people would not think so at a glance but, Nintendo currently has four consoles in the current market. Nintendo is a cash cow, with Microsoft and Sony competing at dogs. "Cash cows are low-growth, high-share businesses or products. These established and successful SBUs need less investment to hold their market share. Thus, they produce a lot of cash that the company uses to pay its bills and to support other SBUs that need investment." - Marketing: An Introduction. Nintendo seems to have a smart business model by marketing consoles in different formats that do not directly compete with themselves but only with other game and console makers.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Experience

The best customer service I ever received was from an online company called Sgt. Grit. This is a military memorabilia company, specializing in Marine Corps gear. In Oct 2013, I purchased an NCO sword for a friend of mine. I was told that the order would take longer than expected do to the personalization of the sword and that it was close to the Marine Corps birthday and they where become backlogged. I recieved the NCO ahead of schedule and was very impressed that it came in 5 days early.  When i looked at the sword, I realized it was not the one I had ordered but someone else's personalized sword.  I contacted Sgt. Grit, they paid for the shipping back to them, gave me a $50 store credit and upgraded my shipping for free.  Two weeks later, i still had not received the sword I ordered. I again contacted the company. They were very apologetic, and gave my a complete refund on the sword, another $50 store credit and shipped the sword overnight to my house. They were insistant on trying to right a wrong and keep their customers.

Week 1 EOC: My voice

I'm a live sound engineer, with a passion for all things audio. I have been working professionally in live sound for over two years and averaging around two shows every week. That is over 200 shows under my belt, professionally.  Besides working as a front of house (FOH) engineer, I have also worked as an audio consultant, videographer, and director for musicians that want to create promo or music videos. In the future, I hope to make the move into post-production sound so i can explore my real passion of being a sound designer for motion pictures. The road is long but I'm in it for the long haul.